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Sunday, April 1, 2012

CLRI April 2012

Contemporary Literary Review India April 2012
Editorial April 2012
Electronic Media Best Alternative to Paper by Khurshid Alam
The Internet has added a new space to our life without doubt, coupled with many possibilities and opportunities. It’s a virtual world but has the real presence.
Poems Brisk Man from Jaipur by Donal Mahoney
Two men tall,
one from here
Two Poems by Brigit Truex
Bengali Man
A Word for It

Two Poems by Sweta Srivastava Vikram
Caught in the Crossfire

Two Poems by Tatjana Debeljački
In The Whiteness

Short Story The New Home by Kaveri Murthy
We moved to Mussoorie in May, 1997, the hottest month of the year. We previously lived in Delhi, where our mother had been a high school biology teacher. But despite nearly twenty years of living there, she was not happy, and since our father's untimely demise had contemplated moving back to her hometown.
Interview An Interview with Jitendra Sharma by Khurshid Alam
Khurshid Alam engages Jitendra Sharma in an interview with his concept of Man in Aurobindo's poetry on his recently released title, Concept of Man in Sri Aurobindo's Poetry.
Essay The Perfect Life by Anand Vardhan
Soft music harmonising the nerves of your brain, a sweet smell drowning you into a lake of decreased sentient, you punched lavishly into the middle of your fresh-bun-like couch and looking through the glass walls at some brilliant example of architectural finesse, and ...
Film Review The Dirty Picture is a Blurb on Porn Fantasy by Khurshid Alam
The dialogue in the movie The Dirty Picture, “When a girl sheds clothes from her dignity, the so-called honourable people enjoy the most.”...
Criticism Savitri and Satyavan by Bhaskar Roy Barman
...Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem, Savitri, based upon the Savitri-Satyavan legend in the Mahabharata, one of the two epics that India glories in, the other epic being the Ramayana.
CLRI in Digital Formats CLRI is released in more than 10 digital formats and is available with almost all eStores worldwide to suit readers from all walks of life.

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Call for Submission CLRI wants to add some more columns to its issues so CLRI seeks submission in poetry, stories, arts, photography, designing, modeling, film reviews, book reviews, essays, criticism etc.
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is organizing
5th International Poetry Festival
in collaboration with
Contemporary Literary Review India

The 5th International Poetry Festival invites writers and poets from all over the world. We aim to promote writers and their writings so we accept all forms, formats, and styles. However we give preference to innovative styles in poetry. For details, check at: Literary Partners.

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