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Thursday, February 9, 2012

CLRI Feb 2012

Contemporary Literary Review: India February 2012
Editorial Feb 2012
Forced Sanskritisation
In India there has long been a trend of adopting cultural traits of socially upward mobile people. People belonging to lower caste strata, both socially and culturally, adopt traits of the people who belong to the higher caste.

Poems Leafless Tree by Hema Ravi
In the course of the morning walk

this tree each day
Two Poems by Meenakshi Jauhari Chawla
School Day
Anyway the Other Guy Always Dies

Life Taken by Anastasia Rychko
We are skin to skin. Heart to heart. I feel your heart

beat harder and harder with my every touch.
My Mother Past the Grave by Vishnu Rajamanickam
It was a bright and sunny day as I strolled,
With my head bent in flooding reminiscence

Short Story A Story by Kaye Linden
He walks alone in the Bronx

where women glance and men look down. He pushes a supermarket cart with a squeaky wheel till he reaches his dwelling place…
Travelogue The Tourist’s Gaze by Kawika Guillermo
In Kerala an elderly Sikh invites me to his home, feeds
me Tandoori chicken, egg curry and scrambled eggs and tomatoes.
Arts Eleanor Leonne Bennett
Three artistic works
Criticsim Criticsm by Sofe Ahmed
Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory Oedipus Complex:
A Critical Study with Reference to D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lover by Sofe
Book Review Review on Concept of Man in Sri Aurobindo’s Poetry by Nishi Sharma
Concept of Man in Sri Aurobindo’s Poetry
is a distinctive work of art by Jitendra Sharma, based on Sri Aurobindo’s phenomenal poetic endeavor. It is a brilliant attempt to discover the concept of Man in Sri Aurobindo’s poetry.

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