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Sunday, October 6, 2013

CLRI October 2013

Contemporary Literary Review India
October 2013

Self-Publishing is the Future
The Great Recession

When I Kiss You
The Dawn


The Pink Velvet Plant

Garbage bins
It All Makes Sense

My “Twilight” Friend

A Fence of Ferns
Psychoanalytic Diving in Atwood’s Surfacing

Fredric Jameson's Critical Theory Applied to Carol Ann Duffy's Poetry

A Thought on Theory and Criticism of Literature
Book Reviews
Reviews Mamta Agarwal’s An Untold Story of a Pebble
Book Releases (Writers)
CLRI Nominates its writers to Lit Awards 2013
Dear readers, we’re ready with the list of those writers published with Contemporary Literary Review India (CLRI) during July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013, who we are going to nominate to the Best of the Net run by the Sundress   Publications, USA. So keep your fingers crossed and see the best writers from us.

Next we’ll move to Pushcart Award.

For details, check at Announcement.
CLRI Digital Edition
The CLRI issues are available in electronic medium.

To read the materials, download the PDF of CLRI August 2013.
CLRI 2013 Print Edition
CLRI 2013 Annul print edition is available from us now. Place an order to enjoy the creative pieces.
Buy digital editions with: SmashwordsAmazon, and Pothi.
CLRI Back Issues
Dear writers, we value your writings. Do you value yours? Read and enjoy our back issues:
Call for Submission
Submission to CLRI is open year-round. CLRI seeks onlpreviously unpublished submission in poetry, stories, arts, photography, designing, modeling, film reviews, book reviews, essays, criticism etc. For details, check at: CLRI Submission.
Get Your Books Reviewed by CLRI
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CLRI Annual Subscription
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Buy Print Edition of CLRI Oct 2012 with Pothi
CLRI 2013 Annual Print Edition ISSN  2250-3366
We encourage all the readers to buy the print issue which will help you undertsand what standard we follow for the print edition. So you can submit your best pieces in future.

Have a look at the preview of the print copy at: CLRI Annual 2013.

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