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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Get Published Now

Leaf Press Services

Leaf Press – an introduction

Leaf Press provides complete solution in writing, printing and publication.
Leaf Press brings out books in various disciplines and fields. We provide end-to-end publishing solutions from editing and proofreading, manuscript editing, book cover designing, to publishing books and anthologies with ISBN. All this at a very competitive cost. Our price is 40% less than what it is with other publishers.
Leaf Press is a self-publishing agency, which differs from traditional publishing method in many ways.

Our Services

We don’t divide our services in different packages as many other publishers do. We have a single and complete publishing system.

Pre-publishing Services

•Book cover designing
•Book layout designing

Post-publishing Services

•Book review
•Publishing book review in our literary journal
•Conducting author interview


•Enlist books on most of the leading online bookstores including Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Apple as soft copies and/or POD as per our partners’ business models.
•Make available with wholesalers and retailers in India.

Distribution and Marketing

In distribution and marketing, we follow a mixed method, both of traditional publishing and self-publishing. We believe that publishing or printing a book is not the only thing that we as a publisher should limit ourselves to. We firmly believe that your book should reach to as wide readers as possible. Even if the books do not bring monetary gain, they should guarantee spread of your thoughts.
For this we,
•Send books to various libraries in India.
•Enlist books on as many bookstores as possible including Crossword.
•Enlist books on online bookstores such as Amazon, Flipkart, and so on.


•We organize book launch with the authors. If the authors are from overseas, we conduct video launch and publish it on our website.
•We send books to various literary journals, newspapers, and magazines for review.
•We conduct interviews with the authors and get them published with our sister organization Contemporary Literary Review India published.


 •We encourage authors to participate in various literary activities.
•We recommend the authors to various literary awards and prizes. We send entries on their behalf where it is free and keep the authors informed regularly.
•We ask the authors to send entries where it is mandatory to send by authors themselves or if there is a fee for participation.
Note: Please note that we strive to make the authors popular for their ideas. However, when we send books to others for review, enlisting, or other activities, it depends on our partners’ will whether they do so or reject. Authors cannot claim on such promises if it is beyond our reach or control. We do not guarantee on those things, which others carry out for us. Moreover, we are ready to share the information whether we have really taken such steps. Your collaboration is highly expected.

Cost to Publishing Your Book

Our cost is 40-50 % less than any other publisher in India.
•The cost on getting fewer numbers of copies is always higher.
•MRP is the cost to a single copy of a title. Suggestive price is just an idea for promoting sale. You may keep a different price that you think better. However, a lower price is always an attractive factor for sale. Hence, you may keep Rs. 199.00 per copy irrespective how many copies you get published.  
•Distribution depends on how many copies you leave with us. If a writer prefers that we do promotion for him/her, we may ask for some more copies. This will be only with a mutual agreement.
Mobile: +91-87938-82210.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Support our Concern

Writers Stand for Free Expression
Dear writers,
It is heartrending that space for free expression is shrinking day by day and intolerance to a different view is increasing. You may be aware that many writers are returning their literary awards in this protest. CLRI stands with them and support their concern. Please send your articles around
Agree to Disagree
This is not a call for regular submission. Your articles will be published in our blog which has already registered more than 1.5 lakh visitors until now.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Professional Way to Publishing Research Papers by Khurshid Alam

Professional Way to Publishing Research Papers by Khurshid Alam

As authors and research writers you always look for topics on which you want to create a great paper. Myriad of ideas come to mind. Many of you strive to write on almost all topics you think of. Soon many authors loose away the ideas. But a good strategy can help you write great papers, see the papers through publication to distribution and sharing.


Conception of idea: As soon as you conceive an idea, note it down. Write a description how you conceived the idea, what it is all about, how you would progress on it, which articles or books you should read for developing your concept and who are the previous authors on this subject. This will leave you not short of the material, which is the biggest killer of an idea.

Create a mini-layout of your article with all the required items such as abstract, keywords, title of your article, main article, subparts of the article, annotation, citation, references and bibliography. As you progress you can expand everything till completion.

Review: No article is finished unless it is reviewed thoroughly. If you are a researcher with an academic institution, share your idea with your supervisors since very beginning and seek their advice. If you are an independent researcher, get it reviewed by a senior or specialist in the field. Do not bother if the title of your article is same or closely similar to someone else’s. Your content, presentation, argument, and annotation must be different to make your paper original.

Get your article reviewed and proofread by some professional editors or those who are expert in language even if you think your language is very excellent. Only a third eye can detect grammatical errors that you might have left. Howsoever your article is professional, if the language is not of good standard it can fail you sooner or later.

Register your article: You must protect your idea. When you are finished with your article, register it with some research organizations. There are many research organizations that register your material for free such as Open Researcher & Contributor ID or ORCiD in short. Typically, you can register even the abstract of your article and get it published with some scholarly journal such as Contemporary Literary Review India.

If you have written a creative piece such as a poem, story or a book, register it with Works Copyright. There are many other organizations where you can register your creation for a fee also.


Shun away from certain journals: Publication is a big step forward to your career. There are a good number of journals around. Do thorough research which journals publish your kind of material. Do not submit your material anywhere you come across.

Publishing on blogs and on own website is not considered genuine publication. Though they may be good to start with, universities and research departments generally do not give credit to such platforms. Shun the journals or anthologies which publish for a fee.

Create a list of professional journals: Create a list of professional journals, magazines, or anthologies which bring out research papers in your discipline. Check if they have ISSN number – it is the first step that gives recognition to your publishing credit –if they are registered with digital libraries such as Elsevier, ORCiD, Scopus, JSTOR, Electronic Journals Library and such other entities, and if they have impact factor. Such factors increase your publishing recognition. However, remember that to get listed with such entities, a journal has to be in the publishing field for a certain number of years. A comparatively new journal may not be registered with many such entities.

With a new journal, check its editorial policy which is more important than any other factors. Check the factors whether it has announced its publishing guidelines, it publishes all the submissions it receives, it publishes for a fee, it follows any editorial process.

Reading fee versus publishing charge: There are journals that ask for a reading fee. But reading fee does not guarantee publication and it should not. All submissions are not selected even if you pay a reading fee. Small publication may be asking for a reading fee to publication cost.

If all the submissions are selected, it means it charges for publishing and it is not a reading fee. Such journals do not follow any editorial process. They do not have a process to check for the authenticity of the submission. Keep away from such journals even if they have ISSN or recognized by any institutions.


Share your publication: Once your creation is published, your task is not yet over. Apart from what your publishers do for promoting their publication, you must share your publication on as many platforms as possible. Post it on your blog or website if you have one, share it on social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn or others.

Connect with researchers: Search out researchers in the same field you are working in. You must discuss on the topic you work on. Your idea expands and your thought matures with discussion.

Virtual library: Create a virtual library of your work. There are many such libraries which you can use for promoting your work. Mendeley is one of its examples.

We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People by Dao Strom

We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People by Dao Strom

A summary

In this unique hybrid work, author/musician Dao Strom navigates the spaces between shores, mother and father, two cultures. The daughter of writers, she fled Vietnam with her mother at the end of the war. It was not until years later that she learned her father was still alive and had spent a decade in Communist “reeducation” camps as persecution for his work as a writer in the pre-1975 era of Saigon. This rift—caught between the forward-looking mother who severed ties with the past, and the only tenuous presence of a father who could not turn away from the past—is the initiating ethos behind this memoir, which renders itself also as an experiment in literary multimedia, combining text, image, and song to ruminate on the intersection of personal and collective histories. The result is a work that draws disparate “voices” together into one confluent, challenging whole.

Were Meant To Be a Gentle People
We Were Meant To Be a Gentle People is accompanied by a music album, East/West

Dao Strom is the author of two previous books of fiction, Grass Roof, Tin Roof (Mariner Books, 2003) and The Gentle Order of Girls and Boys (Counterpoint Press, 2006). She is also a writer of songs. She has received awards from the Regional Arts & Culture Council, the Oregon Arts Commission, the National Endowment for the Arts, the James Michener Fellowship, and the Nelson Algren Award. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop. She lives in Portland, Oregon.

Genre:  Memoir/Essays/Multimedia/Asian-American Literature
Author:  Dao Strom
Pages:  200
Price:  $25.00
ISBN:  978-0-9909555-1-1
Release Date: October 20, 2015

For the Book: Amazon / Ingram / Powell’s (Portland OR) / / more TBD 
For the Album: CDBaby / Bandcamp / iTunes / Amazon / more TBD
PUBLISHER: - via Martin Paul Moser Productions.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

CLRI 2016 Annual Edition

Submission to the print edition CLRI 2016 Annaul Edition (ISSN 2250-3366) is open now
Contemporary Literary Review India (CLRI) invites submission in the following categories:
Length between 25 to 50 lines, none rhyming scheme, previously unpublished, original.
Length between 1500 to 2500 words, previously unpublished, original.
Any length, include abstract, previously unpublished, original.
Previously unpublished, original. Will be published in Black & White.
Deadline: November 30, 2015
Submission Fee: None. However, the authors must be paid subscribers. We have two types of subscribers, one who are members of our newsletter, two who have subscribed to our journal.
Selection Process: Publishing a submission is subject to selection.
Contributry Copy: All paid subscirbers will get one copy of the anthology for free whethere their piece is included.
Subscribe to Us: You can subscribe to us anytime by paying the subscription fee of Rs. 500 (US$ 25) through PayPal or online bnaking option.
Bank Name: Axis Bank
Beneficiary: Creative Content Media
Account No: 914020049436651
Account type: Current account
IFSC: UTIB0000103
Branch: Ppimpri, Chinchwad, Pune.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Call for submission: Themed Issues

Contemporary Literary Review India
-the journal that brings articulate writing for articulate readers.
ISSN 2250-3366                                                      eISSN 2394-6075
Call for submission. Themed Issue
An opportunity to earn money and citation!
CLRI May 2015 Vol. 2 No. 2
The writing craft of Sadat Hasan Manto
We invite authors, research writers, and professors to write on the craft of Sadat Hasan Manto. You are free to name the title of your writing, develop the theme and concept as you find better.
Subject Line: Craft of Sadat Hasan Manto
Length: Any.
Submission Fee: None
Benefit: The best piece will get a citation and Rs. 1000 in cash.
Deadline: March 31, 2015
For other submission details, check Submission.
CLRI August 2015 Vol. 2 No. 3
Literature out of R K Laxman’ cartoons
We give the writers full freedom to pip into the craft of R K Laxman’ cartoons from literary point of view. You can add his life story, the controversy his cartoons created or the power of Common Man to the literary canon.
Subject Line: Literature out of R K Laxman’ cartoons
Length: Any.
Submission Fee: None
Benefit: The best piece will get a citation and Rs. 1000 in cash.
Deadline: June 30, 2015
For other submission details, check Submission.
CLRI November 2015 Vol. 2 No. 4
Criticism on Online Literature
We invite authors, research writers, and professors to write on the rise of online literary journals, writing (from poetry, story, to criticism) being published with online literary journals and magazines in the last twenty-five years in India.
Subject Line: Criticism on Online Literature
Length: Any.
Submission Fee: None
Benefit: The best piece will get a citation and Rs. 1000 in cash.
Deadline: September 30, 2015
For other submission details, check Submission. 
Send cheque to: Creative Content Media, 9/3, Nilayam Society, Opp: Waghere Society, Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra- 411 017, India. Reply to

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Give value to your article

From Editor’s Desk
by Khurshid Alam
Dear writers do you value your writing?

I asked this question from some writers over a period of one month from now. Every one said yes. But when I asked what they do to ensure that their writing is not copied by others or rather they have not plagiarized the writing materials from other sources? Many did not have an answer.

Yes. Plagiarism is a two-edge sword and harms the interest of the writers who work hard to prepare the original research material. It is harmful even to those who plagiarize as they lose credibility on literary arena.

For preparing a research article, you invest time, skill, energy, and money in many cases. Technically, there are research papers, the topics of which conflict and overlap one another. In such cases, the authenticity of each party may be at a stake. Generally, research supervisors guide the researchers and the research materials, concept and even the soul of the article may seem closely similar.

As a research writer, it is important that you distinguish your research papers uniquely from others. It is important that you register your article with globally recognized research repository as soon as possible so that your article stands out from thousands of other papers.

Connecting Research and Researchers (ORCiD) is such an organization that registers scholarly articles. Any scholar or researcher can register their work with ORCiD at and the best thing is that it is FREE.

CLRI has introduced a field in its submission form where research writers can quote the ORCiD registry number while they submit an article for publication with us. Please check at

Enter ORCiD Registry number here
Registering your article with ORCiD brings manifold benefits. Your paper is uniquely recognizable and it can be tracked with most of the leading journal repositories. Most importantly, you can apply for publishing credits and financial grant from your college, universities, or institutions.

Donate to CLRI Now!